Friday, January 7, 2011

The Map and the Territory - Two Poems

the map and the territory
(for a friend)

I can tell you is that the river runs the same or different -
despite the observer unfolding this ancient map.
you can follow that trace unencumbered or not.

if you go there, to look for yourself, does that social experiment
alter your experience?
this old document smells like mice
have been checking out that route for a long time.

that blue line - see it? the one that takes a steep dive, just there

into a crack on the fold of the elderly map - it stands for some nameless
stream in a nameless place - maybe one you know well.


Disappearing streams....

Sometimes... the stream simply disappears, on the map
...yet flows on, on the ground . . .
and sometimes... the stream disappears on the ground
...while the map goes on and on . . .
In each case... the maps speak to the substrate
.. as well as the perception . . .
.....despite the apparent deceptions.
